Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Moon and Mars 07/17/03 image

Moon and Mars 07/17/03

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I got up early to get these two as close as possible. I used a simple set-up, Orion XT10 Dob with steadypix camera mount and Canon powershot S100. I shot the moon through a Nagler 22type4, and Mars through a Nagler 3-6 planetary zoom to get the surface detail. I then shrunk mars down to scale and stiched the two together. At the ATWB star party on July 19th Al Nagler autographed a copy of this image for me! VERY COOL!

  • User details
  • Philip Floyd
  • Philip Floyd
  • January 19, 2022