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mikhail vasilenko

NGC4216 with supernova 2024gy

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NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth

03/16/2005 08:00AM

NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth

Eons ago, giant clouds in space may have led to global extinctions, according to two recent technical papers supported by NASA's Astrobiology Institute. <b>NOTE: French, German, and Italian translations follow...</b>


  • astrotrf [Terry Friedrichsen]
  • 03/17/2005 04:01PM
If this idea intrigues you, check out Fred Hoyle's science-fiction book "The Black Cloud".<br><br>Terry<br>

Something tells me that Dr. Pavlov might have more success simulating the possible effects of certain stimuli on the behavior of Russian dogs.... Sorry folks, it was too good to pass up.