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My Celestial Jewel Box – The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects in the Northern Skies
(Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team - STScI/AURA)
My Celestial Jewel Box – The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects in the Northern Skies
This is my personal deep sky observing list. I use it to line up my DSO targets on any particular night.
Over the years I’ve referred to an earlier version of this list in my monthly night sky postings on Astromart. During that time I’ve received a number of requests from readers to make the complete list available in one place, so here it is (updated) for your use and enjoyment.
Some of the objects listed here can be viewed with binoculars or a small telescope, but the majority will require a moderate to large aperture telescope (7 to 12 inches in diameter) with appropriate filters and a dark sky, especially for many of the nebulae. All the objects in this list can be observed from the northern hemisphere up to around the mid-Northern Latitudes (Princeton, New Jersey -- 40 degrees N).
From my location, the most difficult DSOs to find are those in the southern-most constellations since these objects rise up above the horizon for only a short window of time during the year. And even if you get the timing right, you still need to contend with the atmospheric refraction and haze at the horizon, which adds to the challenge.
This list, “The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects,” is comprised of the following NGC/IC Objects:
- Messier Objects (110 Objects)
- Herschel 400 Objects
- Caldwell Objects visible from 40 degrees N (the 67 northern-most objects) - C1 through C67
- Additional interesting, but somewhat more challenging, NGC/IC Objects (designated P1 through P371). This is a unique set -- There is no overlap between the “P Objects” and the Messier, Herschel, and Caldwell Objects.
Please note that there is, however, some overlap between the Herschel 400 Objects and the Messier and Caldwell Objects. When these overlaps are accounted for and the 371 “P Objects” are added, the total is 888 objects.
Although I’ve aimed to be as thorough as possible in assembling this list, I’ll be grateful to any readers who provide corrections or suggestions for improvement in the comments section below.
I hope you find this list useful.
The night sky is truly a celestial jewel box -- Get outside and explore its wonders from your own backyard.
The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects
Constellation: Andromeda (AND)
IC 239 Galaxy P27
NGC 205 Galaxy M110, Herschel 400 H18-5 Satellite of Andromeda
NGC 221 Galaxy M32 Satellite of Andromeda
NGC 224 Galaxy M31 Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 404 Galaxy Herschel 400 H224-2 Not Found 404 Galaxy
NGC 752 Open Cluster C28, Herschel 400 H32-7
NGC 891 Galaxy C23, Herschel 400 H19-5 Outer Limits Galaxy
NGC 956 Asterism P123
NGC 7640 Galaxy P218
NGC 7662 Planetary Nebula C22, Herschel 400 H18-4 Blue Snowball Nebula
NGC 7686 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H69-8
Constellation: Antlia (ANT)
NGC 2997 Galaxy P276
Constellation: Aquarius (AQR)
NGC 6981 Globular Cluster M72
NGC 6994 Asterism M73
NGC 7009 Planetary Nebula C55, Herschel 400 H1-4 Saturn Nebula
NGC 7089 Globular Cluster M2
NGC 7184 Galaxy P206
NGC 7293 Planetary Nebula C63 Helix Nebula
NGC 7377 Galaxy P229
NGC 7492 Globular Cluster P208
NGC 7606 Galaxy Herschel 400 H104-1
NGC 7723 Galaxy Herschel 400 H110-1
NGC 7727 Galaxy Herschel 400 H111-1
Constellation: Aquila (AQL)
IC 4846 Planetary Nebula P258
NGC 6709 Open Cluster P1 Levy’s Cluster
NGC 6738 Asterism P18
NGC 6741 Planetary Nebula P207 Phantom Streak Nebula
NGC 6751 Planetary Nebula P348 Glowing Eye Nebula
NGC 6755 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H19-7
NGC 6756 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H62-7
NGC 6760 Globular Cluster P19
NGC 6778 Planetary Nebula P354
NGC 6781 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H743-3 Snowglobe Nebula
NGC 6790 Planetary Nebula P51 Mustang Nebula
NGC 6803 Planetary Nebula P209
NGC 6804 Planetary Nebula P350
NGC 6807 Planetary Nebula P353
Constellation: Aries (ARI)
NGC 772 Galaxy Herschel 400 H112-1 Fiddlehead Galaxy
NGC 821 Galaxy P234, partially obscured by Star SAO 92805
Constellation: Auriga (AUR)
IC 405 Emission/Reflect Neb C31 Flaming Star Nebula
IC 410 Emission Nebula P277 Tadpole Nebula
IC 417 HII Ionized Nebula P314 Spider Nebula
IC 2149 Planetary Nebula P126
NGC 1664 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H59-8
NGC 1778 Open Cluster P68
NGC 1798 Open Cluster P253
NGC 1857 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H33-7
NGC 1883 Open Cluster P211
NGC 1893 Open Cluster P69, embedded in IC410 Tadpole Nebula
NGC 1907 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H39-7
NGC 1912 Open Cluster M38 Starfish Cluster
NGC 1931 Emission/Reflect Neb Herschel 400 H261-1 Fly Nebula
NGC 1960 Open Cluster M36 Pinwheel Cluster
NGC 2099 Open Cluster M37 Salt and Pepper Cluster
NGC 2126 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H68-8
NGC 2192 Open Cluster P212
NGC 2281 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H71-8 Broken Heart Cluster
Constellation: Bootes (BOO)
NGC 5248 Galaxy C45, Herschel 400 H34-1
NGC 5466 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H9-6
NGC 5557 Galaxy Herschel 400 H99-1
NGC 5676 Galaxy Herschel 400 H189-1
NGC 5689 Galaxy Herschel 400 H188-1
Constellation: Camelopardalis (CAM)
IC 342 Galaxy C5 Hidden Galaxy
IC 356 Galaxy P127
IC 361 Open Cluster P213
IC 3568 Planetary Nebula P128 Lemon Slice Nebula
NGC 1501 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H53-4 Camel’s Eye Nebula
NGC 1502 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H47-7, endpoint of Kemble’s Cascade
NGC 1569 Galaxy P136
NGC 1961 Galaxy Herschel 400 H747-3
NGC 2146 Galaxy P130 Dusty Hand Galaxy
NGC 2336 Galaxy P70
NGC 2403 Galaxy C7, Herschel 400 H44-5
NGC 2655 Galaxy Herschel 400 H288-1
NGC 2715 Galaxy P265
Constellation: Cancer (CNC)
NGC 2632 Open Cluster M44 Beehive Cluster, Praesepe
NGC 2682 Open Cluster M67 King Cobra Cluster
NGC 2775 Galaxy C48, Herschel 400 H2-1
Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVN)
NGC 4111 Galaxy Herschel 400 H195-1
NGC 4143 Galaxy Herschel 400 H54-4
NGC 4145 Galaxy P342
NGC 4151 Galaxy Herschel 400 H165-1
NGC 4214 Galaxy Herschel 400 H95-1
NGC 4217 Galaxy P83
NGC 4242 Galaxy P214
NGC 4244 Galaxy C26
NGC 4258 Galaxy M106, Herschel 400 H43-5
NGC 4346 Galaxy Herschel 400 H210-1
NGC 4395 Galaxy P71
NGC 4449 Galaxy C21, Herschel 400 H213-1
NGC 4485 Galaxy Herschel 400 H197-1, paired with NGC 4490
NGC 4490 Galaxy Herschel 400 H198-1 Cocoon Galaxy, w/NGC 4485
NGC 4618 Galaxy Herschel 400 H178-1
NGC 4631 Galaxy C32, Herschel 400 H42-4 Whale Galaxy
NGC 4656 Galaxy Herschel 400 H176-1 Hockey Stick Galaxy
NGC 4736 Galaxy M94 Cat’s Eye Galaxy
NGC 4800 Galaxy Herschel 400 H211-1
NGC 5005 Galaxy C29, Herschel 400 H96-1, paired with NGC 5033
NGC 5033 Galaxy Herschel 400 H97-1, paired with NGC 5005
NGC 5055 Galaxy M63 Sunflower Galaxy
NGC 5194 Galaxy M51 Whirlpool Galaxy, paired with NGC 5195
NGC 5195 Galaxy Herschel 400 H186-1, paired with M51 (NGC 5194)
NGC 5272 Globular Cluster M3
NGC 5273 Galaxy Herschel 400 H98-1
NGC 5353 Galaxy P215, paired with NGC 5354
NGC 5371 Galaxy P177
Constellation: Canis Major (CMA)
IC 2163 Galaxy P133, colliding with NGC 2207
IC 2165 Planetary Nebula P216
NGC 2204 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H13-7
NGC 2207 Galaxy P134, colliding with IC 2163
NGC 2217 Galaxy P72 Snake Eye Galaxy
NGC 2243 Open Cluster P132
NGC 2280 Galaxy P371
NGC 2287 Open Cluster M41 Little Beehive Cluster
NGC 2293 Galaxy P23, paired with NGC 2292
NGC 2325 Galaxy P155
NGC 2345 Open Cluster P73
NGC 2354 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H16-7
NGC 2359 HII Ionized Nebula P20 Thor’s Helmet Nebula
NGC 2360 Open Cluster C58, Herschel 400 H12-7 Caroline’s Cluster
NGC 2362 Open Cluster C64, Herschel 400 H17-7 Tau Canis Majoris Cluster
NGC 2367 Open Cluster P74
NGC 2374 Open Cluster P75
NGC 2380 Galaxy P131
NGC 2383 Open Cluster P135
NGC 2384 Open Cluster P76
Constellation: Capricornus (CAP)
NGC 6907 Galaxy P344
NGC 7099 Globular Cluster M30 Jellyfish Globular Cluster
Constellation: Cassiopeia (CAS)
IC 10 Galaxy P77
IC 59 Emission/Reflect Neb P21 Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula (West)
IC 63 Emission/Reflect Neb P22 Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula (East)
IC 166 Open Cluster P217
IC 289 Planetary Nebula P290
IC 1590 Open Cluster P144, included in NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
IC 1747 Planetary Nebula P146
IC 1795 HII Ionized Nebula P122 Fish Head Nebula, partially overlaps NGC 896
IC 1805 Emission Nebula P2 Heart Nebula, includes Open Cluster Melotte 15
IC 1848 Emission Nebula P3 Soul Nebula, Westerhout 5
NGC 103 Open Cluster P137
NGC 110 Open Cluster P250
NGC 129 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H79-8
NGC 133 Open Cluster P138
NGC 136 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H35-6
NGC 146 Open Cluster P204
NGC 147 Galaxy C17 Satellite of Andromeda
NGC 185 Galaxy C18, Herschel 400 H707-2 Satellite of Andromeda
NGC 189 Open Cluster P5
NGC 225 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H78-8 Sailboat Cluster
NGC 278 Galaxy Herschel 400 H159-1
NGC 281 HII Ionized Nebula P4 Pacman Nebula
NGC 366 Open Cluster P220
NGC 381 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H64-8
NGC 436 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H45-7
NGC 457 Open Cluster C13, Herschel 400 H42-1 Dragonfly Cluster
NGC 559 Open Cluster C8, Herschel 400 H48-7
NGC 581 Open Cluster M103
NGC 609 Open Cluster P219
NGC 637 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H49-7
NGC 654 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H46-7
NGC 659 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H65-8
NGC 663 Open Cluster C10, Herschel 400 H31-6
NGC 1027 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H66-8, overlaps part of Heart Nebula
NGC 7635 HII Ionized Nebula C11 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7654 Open Cluster M52 Scorpion Cluster
NGC 7788 Open Cluster P139
NGC 7789 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H30-6 White Rose Cluster
NGC 7790 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H56-7
Constellation: Centaurus (CEN)
IC 4329 Galaxy P272
NGC 4936 Galaxy P285
Constellation: Cepheus (CEP)
Caldwell 9 HII Ionized Nebula C9 Cave Nebula, Sharpless 155
IC 1396 Emission Nebula P6 Elephant’s Trunk Nebula
IC 1470 HII Ionized Nebula P192
NGC 40 Planetary Nebula C2, Herschel 400 H58-4 Bow Tie Nebula
NGC 188 Open Cluster C1 Polarissima Cluster
NGC 2300 Galaxy P160
NGC 6939 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H42-6
NGC 6951 Galaxy P267
NGC 7023 Reflection Nebula C4 Iris Nebula
NGC 7129 Reflection Nebula P58
NGC 7142 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H66-7
NGC 7160 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H67-8
NGC 7226 Open Cluster P140
NGC 7235 Open Cluster P7
NGC 7261 Open Cluster P8
NGC 7354 Planetary Nebula P257
NGC 7380 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H77-8, inside the Wizard Nebula
NGC 7510 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H44-7
NGC 7538 Emission Nebula P94
NGC 7762 Open Cluster P141
NGC 7822 HII Ionized Nebula P33
Constellation: Cetus (CET)
IC 1613 Galaxy C51
NGC 45 Galaxy P225
NGC 157 Galaxy Herschel 400 H3-2
NGC 210 Galaxy P251
NGC 246 Planetary Nebula C56, Herschel 400 H25-5 Skull Nebula
NGC 247 Galaxy C62, Herschel 400 H20-5 Claw Galaxy
NGC 578 Galaxy P221
NGC 584 Galaxy Herschel 400 H100-1
NGC 596 Galaxy Herschel 400 H4-2
NGC 615 Galaxy Herschel 400 H282-2
NGC 720 Galaxy Herschel 400 H105-1
NGC 779 Galaxy Herschel 400 H101-1
NGC 864 Galaxy P124
NGC 908 Galaxy Herschel 400 H153-1
NGC 936 Galaxy Herschel 400 H23-4
NGC 988 Galaxy P324, partially obscured by Star SAO 129994
NGC 1022 Galaxy Herschel 400 H102-1
NGC 1042 Galaxy P148
NGC 1052 Galaxy Herschel 400 H63-1
NGC 1055 Galaxy Herschel 400 H1-1
NGC 1068 Galaxy M77 Squid Galaxy
NGC 1073 Galaxy P205
NGC 1087 Galaxy P227 Saint Nikola’s Prayer Galaxy
Constellation: Coma Berenices (COM)
NGC 4147 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H19-1
NGC 4150 Galaxy Herschel 400 H73-1
NGC 4192 Galaxy M98
NGC 4203 Galaxy Herschel 400 H175-1
NGC 4212 Galaxy P193
NGC 4245 Galaxy Herschel 400 H74-1
NGC 4251 Galaxy Herschel 400 H89-1
NGC 4254 Galaxy M99 Saint Catherine’s Wheel Galaxy
NGC 4274 Galaxy Herschel 400 H75-1
NGC 4278 Galaxy Herschel 400 H90-1
NGC 4293 Galaxy Herschel 400 H5-5
NGC 4314 Galaxy Herschel 400 H76-1
NGC 4321 Galaxy M100
NGC 4340 Galaxy P54, paired with NGC 4350
NGC 4350 Galaxy Herschel 400 H86-2, paired with NGC 4340
NGC 4382 Galaxy M85, paired with NGC 4394
NGC 4394 Galaxy Herschel 400 H55-2, paired with M85 (NGC 4382)
NGC 4414 Galaxy Herschel 400 H77-1 Dusty Spiral Galaxy
NGC 4419 Galaxy Herschel 400 H113-1
NGC 4448 Galaxy Herschel 400 H91-1
NGC 4450 Galaxy Herschel 400 H56-2
NGC 4459 Galaxy Herschel 400 H161-1
NGC 4473 Galaxy Herschel 400 H114-2
NGC 4477 Galaxy Herschel 400 H115-2
NGC 4494 Galaxy Herschel 400 H83-1
NGC 4501 Galaxy M88
NGC 4548 Galaxy M91, Herschel 400 H120-2
NGC 4559 Galaxy C36, Herschel 400 H92-1
NGC 4565 Galaxy C38, Herschel 400 H24-5 Needle Galaxy
NGC 4651 Galaxy P222
NGC 4689 Galaxy Herschel 400 H128-2
NGC 4710 Galaxy P175
NGC 4725 Galaxy Herschel 400 H84-1
NGC 4826 Galaxy M64 Black Eye Galaxy
NGC 4889 Galaxy C35
NGC 5024 Globular Cluster M53
NGC 5053 Globular Cluster P78
Constellation: Corvus (CRV)
NGC 4027 Galaxy Herschel 400 H296-2
NGC 4038 Galaxy C60, Herschel 400 H28.1-4 Antenna Galaxy (North)
NGC 4039 Galaxy C61, Herschel 400 H28.2-4 Antenna Galaxy (South)
NGC 4361 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H65-1 Garden Sprinkler Nebula
Constellation: Crater (CRT)
NGC 3511 Galaxy P181
NGC 3887 Galaxy P105
NGC 3892 Galaxy P53
NGC 3962 Galaxy Herschel 400 H67-1
NGC 3981 Galaxy P245
Constellation: Cygnus (CYG)
IC 1318 Emission Nebula P24 Gamma Cygni Nebula, includes Sadr SAO 49528
IC 1369 Open Cluster P11
IC 4996 Open Cluster P16
IC 5068 HII Ionized Nebula P359 Forsaken Nebula
IC 5070 HII Ionized Nebula P79 Pelican Nebula, includes IC 5067
IC 5076 Reflection Nebula P186
IC 5117 Planetary Nebula P223
IC 5146 Emission/Reflect Neb C19 Cocoon Nebula
NGC 6811 Open Cluster P10 Hole Cluster
NGC 6819 Open Cluster P12
NGC 6826 Planetary Nebula C15, Herschel 400 H73-4 Blinking Planetary Nebula
NGC 6833 Planetary Nebula P278
NGC 6834 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H16-8
NGC 6857 HII Ionized Nebula P64
NGC 6866 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H59-7
NGC 6871 Open Cluster P9
NGC 6883 Open Cluster P17
NGC 6884 Planetary Nebula P195
NGC 6888 HII Ionized Nebula C27 Crescent Nebula
NGC 6894 Planetary Nebula P349
NGC 6910 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H56-8
NGC 6913 Open Cluster M29 Cooling Tower Cluster
NGC 6914 Reflection Nebula P143
NGC 6946 Galaxy C12, Herschel 400 H76-4 Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 6960 Supernova Remnant C34 Veil Nebula (West)
NGC 6992 Supernova Remnant C33 Veil Nebula (East), includes NGC 6995 and IC 1340
NGC 6996 Asterism P224, included in NGC 7000 North America Nebula
NGC 6997 Open Cluster P145, included in NGC 7000 North America Nebula
NGC 7000 HII Ionized Nebula C20, Herschel 400 H37-5 North America Nebula
NGC 7008 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H192-1
NGC 7026 Planetary Nebula P147
NGC 7027 Planetary Nebula P25 Jewel Bug Nebula
NGC 7039 Open Cluster P13
NGC 7044 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H24-6
NGC 7048 Planetary Nebula P226
NGC 7062 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H51-7
NGC 7063 Open Cluster P14
NGC 7067 Open Cluster P149
NGC 7082 Open Cluster P15
NGC 7086 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H32-6
NGC 7092 Open Cluster M39
NGC 7128 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H40-7
Constellation: Delphinus (DEL)
NGC 6891 Planetary Nebula P152
NGC 6905 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H16-4 Blue Flash Nebula
NGC 6934 Globular Cluster C47, Herschel 400 H103-1
NGC 7006 Globular Cluster C42, Herschel 400 H52-1
Constellation: Draco (DRA)
NGC 3147 Galaxy Herschel 400 H79-1
NGC 4125 Galaxy P26
NGC 4236 Galaxy C3
NGC 4589 Galaxy P279
NGC 4750 Galaxy P292
NGC 5866 Galaxy M102, Herschel 400 H215-1
NGC 5907 Galaxy Herschel 400 H759-2 Splinter Galaxy
NGC 5982 Galaxy Herschel 400 H764-2
NGC 6015 Galaxy P151
NGC 6340 Galaxy P142
NGC 6503 Galaxy P80 Shooting Star Galaxy
NGC 6543 Planetary Nebula C6, Herschel 400 H37-4 Cat’s Eye Nebula
NGC 6643 Galaxy P194
Constellation: Eridanus (ERI)
IC 2118 Reflection Nebula P112 Witch Head Nebula
NGC 1084 Galaxy Herschel 400 H64-1
NGC 1187 Galaxy P293
NGC 1232 Galaxy P28 Eye of God Galaxy
NGC 1300 Galaxy P81
NGC 1332 Galaxy P82
NGC 1395 Galaxy P228
NGC 1400 Galaxy P367
NGC 1407 Galaxy Herschel 400 H107-1
NGC 1535 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H26-4 Cleopatra’s Eye Nebula
NGC 1600 Galaxy P299
NGC 1637 Galaxy P286
NGC 1700 Galaxy P305
Constellation: Fornax (FOR)
NGC 1097 Galaxy C67
NGC 1201 Galaxy P153
NGC 1255 Galaxy P178
NGC 1302 Galaxy P154
NGC 1360 Planetary Nebula P84 Robin’s Egg Nebula
NGC 1367 Galaxy P85
NGC 1385 Galaxy P300
NGC 1398 Galaxy P32
NGC 1425 Galaxy P86
Constellation: Gemini (GEM)
IC 443 Supernova Remnant P249 Jellyfish Nebula
IC 444 Reflection Nebula P306
IC 2157 Open Cluster P156
NGC 2129 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H26-8
NGC 2158 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H17-6
NGC 2168 Open Cluster M35 Shoe Buckle Cluster
NGC 2266 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H21-6
NGC 2304 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H2-6
NGC 2331 Open Cluster P157
NGC 2355 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H6-6
NGC 2371 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H316-2 Double Bubble Nebula (South)
NGC 2372 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H317-2 Double Bubble Nebula (North)
NGC 2392 Planetary Nebula C39, Herschel 400 H45-4 Eskimo Nebula
NGC 2395 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H11-8
NGC 2420 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H1-6
Constellation: Hercules (HER)
IC 4593 Planetary Nebula P158 White Eyed Pea Nebula
NGC 6205 Globular Cluster M13 Great Hercules Globular Cluster
NGC 6207 Galaxy Herschel 400 H701-2
NGC 6210 Planetary Nebula P34 Turtle Nebula
NGC 6229 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H50-4
NGC 6341 Globular Cluster M92
Constellation: Hydra (HYA)
NGC 2548 Open Cluster M48, Herschel 400 H22-6
NGC 2784 Galaxy P87
NGC 2811 Galaxy Herschel 400 H505-2
NGC 2835 Galaxy P291
NGC 2935 Galaxy P263
NGC 2986 Galaxy P297
NGC 3078 Galaxy P243
NGC 3091 Galaxy P317
NGC 3109 Galaxy P88
NGC 3242 Planetary Nebula C59, Herschel 400 H27-4 Ghost of Jupiter Nebula
NGC 3311 Galaxy P98
NGC 3585 Galaxy P35
NGC 3621 Galaxy Herschel 400 H241-1
NGC 3717 Galaxy P345
NGC 3904 Galaxy P310
NGC 3923 Galaxy P89
NGC 4105 Galaxy P284, paired with NGC 4106
NGC 4590 Globular Cluster M68
NGC 5061 Galaxy P264
NGC 5078 Galaxy P304
NGC 5101 Galaxy P271
NGC 5236 Galaxy M83 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 5694 Globular Cluster C66, Herschel 400 H196-2
Constellation: Lacerta (LAC)
IC 1434 Open Cluster P159
IC 5217 Planetary Nebula P230 Little Saturn Nebula
NGC 7209 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H53-7
NGC 7243 Open Cluster C16, Herschel 400 H75-8
NGC 7245 Open Cluster P161
NGC 7296 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H41-7
Constellation: Leo (LEO)
NGC 2903 Galaxy Herschel 400 H56-1
NGC 2964 Galaxy Herschel 400 H114-1
NGC 3190 Galaxy Herschel 400 H44-2
NGC 3193 Galaxy Herschel 400 H45-2
NGC 3226 Galaxy Herschel 400 H28-2, paired with NGC 3227
NGC 3227 Galaxy Herschel 400 H29-2, paired with NGC 3226
NGC 3351 Galaxy M95
NGC 3338 Galaxy P307
NGC 3368 Galaxy M96
NGC 3377 Galaxy Herschel 400 H99-2
NGC 3379 Galaxy M105, Herschel 400 H17-1
NGC 3384 Galaxy Herschel 400 H18-1
NGC 3412 Galaxy Herschel 400 H27-1
NGC 3489 Galaxy Herschel 400 H101-2
NGC 3521 Galaxy Herschel 400 H13-1
NGC 3593 Galaxy Herschel 400 H29-1
NGC 3607 Galaxy Herschel 400 H50-2, paired with NGC 3608
NGC 3608 Galaxy Herschel 400 H51-2, paired with NGC 3607
NGC 3623 Galaxy M65
NGC 3626 Galaxy C40, Herschel 400 H52-2
NGC 3627 Galaxy M66
NGC 3628 Galaxy Herschel 400 H8-5 Hamburger Galaxy
NGC 3640 Galaxy Herschel 400 H33-2
NGC 3646 Galaxy P180
NGC 3655 Galaxy Herschel 400 H5-1
NGC 3686 Galaxy Herschel 400 H160-2
NGC 3705 Galaxy P311
NGC 3810 Galaxy Herschel 400 H21-1
NGC 3900 Galaxy Herschel 400 H82-1
NGC 3912 Galaxy Herschel 400 H342-2
Constellation: Leo Minor (LMI)
NGC 2859 Galaxy Herschel 400 H137-1
NGC 3245 Galaxy Herschel 400 H86-1
NGC 3277 Galaxy Herschel 400 H359-2
NGC 3294 Galaxy Herschel 400 H164-1
NGC 3344 Galaxy Herschel 400 H81-1
NGC 3395 Galaxy Herschel 400 H116-1
NGC 3414 Galaxy Herschel 400 H362-2
NGC 3432 Galaxy Herschel 400 H172-1
NGC 3486 Galaxy Herschel 400 H87-1
NGC 3504 Galaxy Herschel 400 H88-1
Constellation: Lepus (LEP)
IC 418 Planetary Nebula P90 Spirograph Nebula
NGC 1904 Globular Cluster M79
NGC 1964 Galaxy Herschel 400 H21-4
NGC 2196 Galaxy P327
Constellation: Libra (LIB)
NGC 5812 Galaxy P46
NGC 5897 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H19-6
Constellation: Lynx (LYN)
NGC 2419 Globular Cluster C25, Herschel 400 H218-1 Intergalactic Wanderer
NGC 2549 Galaxy P252
NGC 2683 Galaxy Herschel 400 H200-1 UFO Galaxy
NGC 2782 Galaxy Herschel 400 H167-1
Constellation: Lyra (LYR)
NGC 6720 Planetary Nebula M57 Ring Nebula
NGC 6743 Open Cluster P312
NGC 6779 Globular Cluster M56
NGC 6791 Open Cluster P162
Constellation: Monoceros (MON)
IC 447 HII Ionized Nebula P125 Dreyer’s Nebula
IC 448 HII Ionized Nebula P172
IC 2177 HII Ionized Nebula P52 Seagull Nebula includes Star SAO 152320 at center
NGC 2149 Reflection Nebula P303
NGC 2170 Reflection Nebula P296
NGC 2182 Reflection Nebula P262
NGC 2185 Reflection Nebula Herschel 400 H20-4
NGC 2215 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H20-7
NGC 2232 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H25-8
NGC 2236 Open Cluster P163
NGC 2237 HII Ionized Nebula C49 Rosette Nebula, includes NGC 2238 and NGC 2246
NGC 2239 Open Cluster P254, embedded in NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula
NGC 2244 Open Cluster C50, Herschel 400 H2-7, embedded in NGC 2237
NGC 2245 Reflection Nebula P255
NGC 2250 Open Cluster P164
NGC 2251 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H3-8
NGC 2252 Open Cluster P91
NGC 2254 Open Cluster P165
NGC 2259 Open Cluster P231
NGC 2261 Reflection Nebula C46 Hubble’s Variable Nebula
NGC 2262 Open Cluster P232
NGC 2264 Open Cluster H 400 H27-5 Cone Nebula, H5-8 Christmas Tree Cluster
NGC 2269 Open Cluster P166
NGC 2282 HII Ionized Nebula P269
NGC 2286 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H31-8
NGC 2299 Open Cluster P167
NGC 2301 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H27-6
NGC 2309 Open Cluster P233
NGC 2311 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H60-8
NGC 2323 Open Cluster M50 Heart Shaped Cluster
NGC 2324 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H38-7
NGC 2335 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H32-8, overlaps IC 2177 Seagull Nebula
NGC 2343 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H33-8, overlaps IC 2177 Seagull Nebula
NGC 2346 Planetary Nebula P283 Butterfly Nebula
NGC 2353 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H34-8
NGC 2368 Open Cluster P235
NGC 2506 Open Cluster C54, Herschel 400 H37-6
Constellation: Ophiuchus (OPH)
IC 4603 Reflection Nebula P325, part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
IC 4604 Reflection Nebula P313 Rho Ophiuchi Nebula
IC 4634 Planetary Nebula P168
IC 4665 Open Cluster P36
NGC 6171 Globular Cluster M107, Herschel 400 H40-6 Crucifix Cluster
NGC 6218 Globular Cluster M12 Gumball Globular Cluster
NGC 6235 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H584-2
NGC 6254 Globular Cluster M10
NGC 6266 Globular Cluster M62 Flickering Globular Cluster
NGC 6273 Globular Cluster M19
NGC 6284 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H11-6
NGC 6287 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H195-2
NGC 6293 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H12-6
NGC 6304 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H147-1
NGC 6309 Planetary Nebula P236 Box Nebula
NGC 6316 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H45-1
NGC 6325 Globular Cluster P169
NGC 6333 Globular Cluster M9
NGC 6342 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H149-1
NGC 6355 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H46-1
NGC 6356 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H48-1
NGC 6366 Globular Cluster P37
NGC 6369 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H11-4 Little Ghost Nebula
NGC 6384 Galaxy P320
NGC 6401 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H44-1
NGC 6402 Globular Cluster M14
NGC 6426 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H587-2
NGC 6517 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H199-2
NGC 6572 Planetary Nebula P38 Emerald Nebula
NGC 6633 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H72-8
Constellation: Orion (ORI)
IC 431 Reflection Nebula P361
IC 432 Reflection Nebula P362
IC 434 HII Ionized/Dark Neb P92, includes Barnard 33 Horsehead Nebula
IC 435 Reflection Nebula P368
IC 2162 Emission Nebula P358
NGC 1662 Open Cluster P39
NGC 1788 Reflection Nebula Herschel 400 H32-5
NGC 1976 HII Ionized Nebula M42 Great Orion Nebula, includes Trapezium Cluster
NGC 1977 Reflection Nebula P40 Running Man Nebula, includes NGC 1975
NGC 1980 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H31-5 Lost Jewel of Orion Cluster
NGC 1981 Open Cluster P41
NGC 1982 HII Ionized Nebula M43 DeMairan Nebula
NGC 1999 Reflection/Dark Neb Herschel 400 H33-4 Cosmic Keyhole Nebula
NGC 2022 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H34-4
NGC 2023 Emission/Reflect Neb P93
NGC 2024 Emission Nebula Herschel 400 H28-5 Flame Nebula
NGC 2064 Reflection Nebula P356
NGC 2067 Reflection Nebula P357
NGC 2068 Reflection Nebula M78
NGC 2071 Reflection Nebula P42
NGC 2112 Open Cluster P170
NGC 2141 Open Cluster P171
NGC 2169 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H24-8 The 37 Cluster
NGC 2174 HII Ionized Nebula P43 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2175 Open Cluster P369, overlaps NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2180 Open Cluster P321
NGC 2186 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H25-7
NGC 2194 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H5-6
Constellation: Pegasus (PEG)
NGC 7078 Globular Cluster M15 Great Pegasus Globular Cluster
NGC 7177 Galaxy P370
NGC 7217 Galaxy Herschel 400 H207-2
NGC 7331 Galaxy C30, Herschel 400 H53-1
NGC 7332 Galaxy P288 Paired with NGC 7339
NGC 7448 Galaxy Herschel 400 H251-2
NGC 7457 Galaxy P173
NGC 7479 Galaxy C44, Herschel 400 H55-1 Superman Galaxy
NGC 7619 Galaxy P346
NGC 7626 Galaxy P108
NGC 7814 Galaxy C43 Little Sombrero Galaxy
Constellation: Perseus (PER)
IC 348 Open Cluster P95
IC 351 Planetary Nebula P351
IC 2003 Planetary Nebula P237
IC 2067 Reflection Nebula P326
NGC 650/NGC 651 Planetary Nebula M76, Herschel 400 H193-1 Little Dumbell Nebula
NGC 744 Open Cluster P96
NGC 869 Open Cluster C14a, Herschel 400 H33-6 Double Cluster (West)
NGC 884 Open Cluster C14b, Herschel 400 H34-6 Double Cluster (East)
NGC 957 Open Cluster P97
NGC 1023 Galaxy Herschel 400 H156-1 Perseus Lenticular Galaxy
NGC 1039 Open Cluster M34 Spiral Cluster
NGC 1058 Galaxy P107
NGC 1161 Galaxy P261
NGC 1220 Open Cluster P238
NGC 1245 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H25-6
NGC 1275 Galaxy C24 Perseus A Seyfert Galaxy
NGC 1333 Reflection Nebula P330
NGC 1342 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H88-8 Stingray Cluster
NGC 1444 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H80-8
NGC 1491 HII Ionized Nebula P60 Fossil Footprint Nebula
NGC 1496 Open Cluster P174
NGC 1499 Emission Nebula P44 California Nebula
NGC 1513 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H60-7
NGC 1528 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H61-7
NGC 1545 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H85-8
NGC 1579 Emission/Reflect Neb P333 Northern Trifid Nebula
NGC 1582 Open Cluster P45
NGC 1605 Open Cluster P239, pair of Open Clusters (overlapping binary pair)
NGC 1624 Open Cluster P240
Constellation: Pisces (PSC)
NGC 315 Galaxy P366
NGC 488 Galaxy Herschel 400 H252-3
NGC 524 Galaxy Herschel 400 H151-1
NGC 628 Galaxy M74 Phantom Galaxy
NGC 660 Galaxy P318
NGC 741 Galaxy P260
Constellation: Puppis (PUP)
NGC 2396 Open Cluster P99
NGC 2409 Open Cluster P100
NGC 2414 Open Cluster P101
NGC 2421 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H67-7
NGC 2422 Open Cluster M47, Herschel 400 H38-8
NGC 2423 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H28-7
NGC 2432 Open Cluster P241
NGC 2437 Open Cluster M46
NGC 2438 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H39-4
NGC 2440 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H64-4 Bow Tie Nebula
NGC 2447 Open Cluster M93 Critter Cluster
NGC 2452 Planetary Nebula P47, appears close to NGC 2453 but is unrelated
NGC 2453 Open Cluster P176
NGC 2455 Open Cluster P242
NGC 2467 Emission Nebula P102 Skull and Crossbones Nebula
NGC 2479 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H58-7
NGC 2482 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H10-7
NGC 2483 Open Cluster P103
NGC 2489 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H23-7
NGC 2509 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H1-8
NGC 2527 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H30-8
NGC 2533 Open Cluster P104
NGC 2539 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H11-7
NGC 2566 Galaxy P48
NGC 2567 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H64-7
NGC 2571 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H39-6
NGC 2587 Open Cluster P179
Constellation: Pyxis (PYX)
NGC 2613 Galaxy P298
NGC 2627 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H63-7
Constellation: Sagitta (SGE)
IC 4997 Planetary Nebula P246
NGC 6838 Globular Cluster M71 Angelfish Globular Cluster
NGC 6879 Planetary Nebula P355
NGC 6886 Planetary Nebula P247
Constellation: Sagittarius (SGR)
IC 1274 HII Ionized Nebula P323
IC 1284 HII Ionized Nebula P281
IC 4678 Emission Nebula P295, at edge of M8 (NGC 6523) Lagoon Nebula
IC 4684 Reflection Nebula P363
IC 4685 Emission/Reflect Neb P364
IC 4701 Emission Nebula P365
IC 4706 Emission Nebula P274
IC 4715 Bright Star Field M24 Small Sagittarius Star Cloud
IC 4725 Open Cluster M25
IC 4732 Planetary Nebula P182
IC 4776 Planetary Nebula P183
NGC 6440 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H150-1
NGC 6445 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H586-2
NGC 6469 Open Cluster P184
NGC 6494 Open Cluster M23
NGC 6507 Open Cluster P185
NGC 6514 HII Ionized Nebula M20, Herschel 400 H41-1 Trifid Nebula
NGC 6520 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H7-7, in Large Sagittarius Star Cloud
NGC 6522 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H49-1
NGC 6523 HII Ionized Nebula M8 Lagoon Nebula
NGC 6528 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H200-2
NGC 6530 Open Cluster P49, overlaps M8 (NGC 6523) Lagoon Nebula
NGC 6531 Open Cluster M21 Webb’s Cross Cluster
NGC 6537 Planetary Nebula P316 Red Spider Nebula
NGC 6540 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H198-2
NGC 6544 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H197-2
NGC 6546 Open Cluster P106
NGC 6553 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H12-4
NGC 6558 Globular Cluster P210
NGC 6559 Emission/Reflect Neb P328
NGC 6565 Planetary Nebula P248
NGC 6567 Planetary Nebula P188
NGC 6568 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H30-7
NGC 6569 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H201-2
NGC 6583 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H31-7
NGC 6589 Reflection Nebula P302
NGC 6590 Reflection Nebula P50
NGC 6603 Open Cluster P340, embedded in M24 Small Sagittarius Star Cloud
NGC 6613 Open Cluster M18 Black Swan Cluster
NGC 6618 HII Ionized Nebula M17 Omega Nebula
NGC 6624 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H50-1
NGC 6626 Globular Cluster M28
NGC 6629 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H204-2
NGC 6637 Globular Cluster M69
NGC 6638 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H51-1
NGC 6642 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H205-2
NGC 6644 Planetary Nebula P309
NGC 6645 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H23-6
NGC 6652 Globular Cluster P31
NGC 6656 Globular Cluster M22 Great Sagitarius Globular Cluster
NGC 6681 Globular Cluster M70
NGC 6715 Globular Cluster M54
NGC 6716 Open Cluster P109
NGC 6717 Globular Cluster P110, Palomar 9, nearly obscured by Star SAO 187445
NGC 6809 Globular Cluster M55 Specter Globular Cluster
NGC 6818 Planetary Nebula Herschel 400 H51-4 Little Gem Nebula
NGC 6822 Galaxy C57 Barnard’s Galaxy
NGC 6864 Globular Cluster M75
Constellation: Scorpius (SCO)
IC 4591 HII Ionized Nebula P360, part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
IC 4592 Reflection Nebula P29 Blue Horsehead Nebula
IC 4601 Reflection Nebula P331, part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
IC 4605 Reflection Nebula P189, part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
NGC 6093 Globular Cluster M80
NGC 6121 Globular Cluster M4 Spider Globular Cluster
NGC 6144 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H10-6
NGC 6405 Open Cluster M6 Butterfly Cluster
NGC 6451 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H13-6
NGC 6475 Open Cluster M7 Ptolemy’s Cluster
Constellation: Sculptor (SCL)
NGC 253 Galaxy C65, Herschel 400 H1-5 Sculptor Galaxy
NGC 288 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H20-6
NGC 613 Galaxy Herschel 400 H281-1
NGC 7507 Galaxy P117
Constellation: Scutum (SCT)
IC 1287 Reflection Nebula P334
IC 1295 Planetary Nebula P352
NGC 6625 Open Cluster P191
NGC 6631 Open Cluster P196
NGC 6649 Open Cluster P197
NGC 6664 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H12-8
NGC 6683 Open Cluster P335
NGC 6694 Open Cluster M26
NGC 6704 Open Cluster P198
NGC 6705 Open Cluster M11 Wild Duck Cluster
NGC 6712 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H47-1
Constellation: Serpens Caput (SER - Head)
NGC 5904 Globular Cluster M5 Rose Globular Cluster
NGC 5921 Galaxy P336
NGC 6118 Galaxy Herschel 400 H402-2
Constellation: Serpens Cauda (SER - Tail)
IC 1276 Globular Cluster P118, Palomar 7 Globular Cluster
IC 4703 HII Ionized Nebula P337, includes M16 (NGC 6611) Eagle Nebula
IC 4756 Open Cluster P62 Graff’s Cluster
NGC 6535 Globular Cluster P199
NGC 6539 Globular Cluster P119
NGC 6604 Open Cluster P63
NGC 6611 HII Ionized Nebula M16 Eagle Nebula and Cluster, included in IC 4703
Constellation: Sextans (SEX)
NGC 2974 Galaxy Herschel 400 H61-1
NGC 3115 Galaxy C53, Herschel 400 H163-1 Spindle Galaxy
NGC 3166 Galaxy Herschel 400 H3-1, paired with NGC 3169
NGC 3169 Galaxy Herschel 400 H4-1, paired with NGC 3166
NGC 3423 Galaxy P187
Constellation: Taurus (TAU)
Messier 45 Open Cluster M45, Collinder 42, Pleiades, Seven Sisters, Subaru
Caldwell 41 Open Cluster C41, Collinder 50, Hyades
IC 349 Reflection Nebula P339 Barnard’s Merope Nebula
NGC 1514 Planetary Nebula P120 Crystal Ball Nebula
NGC 1554 Reflection Nebula P200 Von Struve’s Lost Nebula
NGC 1555 Reflection Nebula P201 Hind’s Variable Nebula
NGC 1647 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H8-8
NGC 1746 Asterism P55, includes NGC 1750 and NGC 1758
NGC 1750 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H43-8, overlaps NGC 1746
NGC 1807 Asterism P65
NGC 1817 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H4-7
NGC 1952 Supernova Remnant M1 Crab Nebula
Constellation: Triangulum (TRI)
NGC 598 Galaxy M33, Herschel 400 H17-5 Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 672 Galaxy P114
NGC 890 Galaxy P150
NGC 925 Galaxy P66
Constellation: Ursa Major (UMA)
Messier 40 Double Star M40, Winnecke 4 (not a binary pair)
IC 2574 Galaxy P121 Coddington’s Dwarf Galaxy
NGC 2681 Galaxy Herschel 400 H242-1
NGC 2685 Galaxy P57 Helix Galaxy
NGC 2742 Galaxy Herschel 400 H249-1
NGC 2768 Galaxy Herschel 400 H250-1
NGC 2787 Galaxy Herschel 400 H216-1
NGC 2805 Galaxy P338
NGC 2841 Galaxy Herschel 400 H205-1
NGC 2950 Galaxy Herschel 400 H68-4
NGC 2976 Galaxy Herschel 400 H285-1
NGC 2985 Galaxy Herschel 400 H78-1
NGC 3031 Galaxy M81 Bode’s Galaxy
NGC 3034 Galaxy M82, Herschel 400 H79-4 Cigar Galaxy
NGC 3077 Galaxy Herschel 400 H286-1
NGC 3079 Galaxy Herschel 400 H47-5
NGC 3184 Galaxy Herschel 400 H168-1 Little Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 3198 Galaxy Herschel 400 H199-1
NGC 3310 Galaxy Herschel 400 H60-4
NGC 3319 Galaxy P244
NGC 3348 Galaxy P282
NGC 3359 Galaxy P202
NGC 3556 Galaxy M108, Herschel 400 H46-5 Surfboard Galaxy
NGC 3587 Planetary Nebula M97 Owl Nebula
NGC 3610 Galaxy Herschel 400 H270-1
NGC 3613 Galaxy Herschel 400 H271-1, paired with NGC 3619
NGC 3619 Galaxy Herschel 400 H244-1, paired with NGC 3613
NGC 3631 Galaxy Herschel 400 H226-1
NGC 3665 Galaxy Herschel 400 H219-1
NGC 3675 Galaxy Herschel 400 H194-1
NGC 3718 Galaxy P275, paired with NGC 3729
NGC 3726 Galaxy Herschel 400 H730-2
NGC 3729 Galaxy Herschel 400 H222-1, paired with NGC 3718
NGC 3813 Galaxy Herschel 400 H94-1
NGC 3877 Galaxy Herschel 400 H201-1
NGC 3893 Galaxy Herschel 400 H738-2
NGC 3898 Galaxy Herschel 400 H228-1
NGC 3938 Galaxy Herschel 400 H203-1
NGC 3941 Galaxy Herschel 400 H173-1
NGC 3945 Galaxy Herschel 400 H251-1
NGC 3949 Galaxy Herschel 400 H202-1
NGC 3953 Galaxy Herschel 400 H45-5
NGC 3982 Galaxy Herschel 400 H62-4
NGC 3992 Galaxy M109, Herschel 400 H61-4 Vacuum Cleaner Galaxy
NGC 3998 Galaxy Herschel 400 H229-1
NGC 4026 Galaxy Herschel 400 H223-1
NGC 4036 Galaxy Herschel 400 H253-1, paired with NGC 4041
NGC 4041 Galaxy Herschel 400 H252-1, paired with NGC 4036
NGC 4051 Galaxy Herschel 400 H56-4
NGC 4062 Galaxy P332
NGC 4085 Galaxy Herschel 400 H224-1, paired with NGC 4088
NGC 4088 Galaxy Herschel 400 H206-1, paired with NGC 4085
NGC 4096 Galaxy P268
NGC 4100 Galaxy P347
NGC 4102 Galaxy Herschel 400 H225-1
NGC 4605 Galaxy P111
NGC 5322 Galaxy Herschel 400 H256-1
NGC 5448 Galaxy P129
NGC 5457 Galaxy M101 Pinwheel Galaxy, paired with NGC 5474
NGC 5473 Galaxy Herschel 400 H231-1
NGC 5474 Galaxy Herschel 400 H214-1, paired with M101 (NGC 5457)
NGC 5585 Galaxy P289
NGC 5631 Galaxy Herschel 400 H236-1
Constellation: Ursa Minor (UMI)
NGC 6217 Galaxy Herschel 400 H280-1
Constellation: Virgo (VIR)
NGC 4030 Galaxy Herschel 400 H121-1
NGC 4179 Galaxy Herschel 400 H9-1
NGC 4216 Galaxy Herschel 400 H35-1
NGC 4261 Galaxy Herschel 400 H139-2
NGC 4267 Galaxy P280
NGC 4273 Galaxy Herschel 400 H569-2
NGC 4281 Galaxy Herschel 400 H573-2
NGC 4303 Galaxy M61, Herschel 400 H139-1 Swelling Spiral Galaxy
NGC 4365 Galaxy Herschel 400 H30-1
NGC 4371 Galaxy Herschel 400 H22-1
NGC 4374 Galaxy M84, part of Markarian’s Chain
NGC 4388 Galaxy P190
NGC 4406 Galaxy M86, part of Markarian’s Chain
NGC 4417 Galaxy P116
NGC 4429 Galaxy Herschel 400 H65-2
NGC 4435 Galaxy Herschel 400 H28.1-1 Markarian’s Eyes Galaxy (North)
NGC 4438 Galaxy Herschel 400 H28.2-1 Markarian’s Eyes Galaxy (South)
NGC 4442 Galaxy Herschel 400 H156-2
NGC 4457 Galaxy P343
NGC 4461 Galaxy P315, paired with NGC 4458, part of Markarian’s Chain
NGC 4469 Galaxy P322
NGC 4472 Galaxy M49
NGC 4478 Galaxy Herschel 400 H124-2
NGC 4486 Galaxy M87 Virgo A Galaxy
NGC 4503 Galaxy P287
NGC 4517 Galaxy P30
NGC 4526 Galaxy Herschel 400 H31-1
NGC 4527 Galaxy Herschel 400 H37-2
NGC 4535 Galaxy Herschel 400 H500-2 Lost Galaxy
NGC 4536 Galaxy Herschel 400 H2-5
NGC 4546 Galaxy Herschel 400 H160-1
NGC 4550 Galaxy Herschel 400 H36-1
NGC 4552 Galaxy M89
NGC 4567/NGC 4568 Galaxy P56 Siamese Twins Galaxies
NGC 4569 Galaxy M90
NGC 4570 Galaxy Herschel 400 H32-1
NGC 4579 Galaxy M58
NGC 4594 Galaxy M104, Herschel 400 H43-1 Sombrero Galaxy
NGC 4596 Galaxy Herschel 400 H24-1
NGC 4608 Galaxy P341
NGC 4621 Galaxy M59
NGC 4636 Galaxy Herschel 400 H38-2
NGC 4638 Galaxy P256
NGC 4643 Galaxy Herschel 400 H10-1
NGC 4649 Galaxy M60
NGC 4654 Galaxy Herschel 400 H126-2
NGC 4660 Galaxy Herschel 400 H71-2
NGC 4665 Galaxy Herschel 400 H142-1
NGC 4666 Galaxy Herschel 400 H15-1
NGC 4691 Galaxy P294
NGC 4697 Galaxy C52, Herschel 400 H39-1
NGC 4698 Galaxy Herschel 400 H8-1
NGC 4699 Galaxy Herschel 400 H129-1
NGC 4742 Galaxy P59
NGC 4753 Galaxy Herschel 400 H16-1
NGC 4754 Galaxy Herschel 400 H25-1, paired with NGC 4762
NGC 4762 Galaxy Herschel 400 H75-2, paired with NGC 4754
NGC 4781 Galaxy Herschel 400 H134-1
NGC 4845 Galaxy Herschel 400 H536-2
NGC 4856 Galaxy Herschel 400 H68-1
NGC 4866 Galaxy Herschel 400 H162-1
NGC 4900 Galaxy Herschel 400 H143-1
NGC 4958 Galaxy Herschel 400 H130-1
NGC 4984 Galaxy P308
NGC 4995 Galaxy Herschel 400 H42-1
NGC 5018 Galaxy P273
NGC 5044 Galaxy P259
NGC 5054 Galaxy Herschel 400 H513-2
NGC 5068 Galaxy P203
NGC 5084 Galaxy P329
NGC 5087 Galaxy P319
NGC 5170 Galaxy P61
NGC 5247 Galaxy P67
NGC 5363 Galaxy Herschel 400 H6-1, paired with NGC 5364
NGC 5364 Galaxy Herschel 400 H534-2, paired with NGC 5363
NGC 5566 Galaxy Herschel 400 H144-1
NGC 5576 Galaxy Herschel 400 H146-1
NGC 5634 Globular Cluster Herschel 400 H70-1
NGC 5638 Galaxy P115
NGC 5701 Galaxy P113
NGC 5746 Galaxy Herschel 400 H126-1
NGC 5813 Galaxy P270
NGC 5838 Galaxy P266
NGC 5846 Galaxy Herschel 400 H128-1
NGC 5850 Galaxy P301
Constellation: Vulpecula (VUL)
NGC 6802 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H14-6
NGC 6823 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H18-7
NGC 6830 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H9-7
NGC 6853 Planetary Nebula M27 Dumbell Nebula
NGC 6882 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H22-8
NGC 6885 Open Cluster C37, Herschel 400 H20-8
NGC 6940 Open Cluster Herschel 400 H8-7
The Guy Pirro 888 Best and Brightest Deep Sky Objects – "The P Objects"
P1 NGC 6709 Open Cluster Levy’s Cluster
P2 IC 1805 Emission Nebula Heart Nebula, includes Open Cluster Melotte 15
P3 IC 1848 Emission Nebula Soul Nebula, Westerhout 5
P4 NGC 281 HII Ionized Nebula Pacman Nebula
P5 NGC 189 Open Cluster
P6 IC 1396 Emission Nebula Elephant’s Trunk Nebula
P7 NGC 7235 Open Cluster
P8 NGC 7261 Open Cluster
P9 NGC 6871 Open Cluster
P10 NGC 6811 Open Cluster Hole Cluster
P11 IC 1369 Open Cluster
P12 NGC 6819 Open Cluster
P13 NGC 7039 Open Cluster
P14 NGC 7063 Open Cluster
P15 NGC 7082 Open Cluster
P16 IC 4996 Open Cluster
P17 NGC 6883 Open Cluster
P18 NGC 6738 Asterism
P19 NGC 6760 Globular Cluster
P20 NGC 2359 HII Ionized Nebula Thor’s Helmet Nebula
P21 IC 59 Emission/Reflect Neb Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula (West)
P22 IC 63 Emission/Reflect Neb Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula (East)
P23 NGC 2293 Galaxy Paired with NGC 2292
P24 IC 1318 Emission Nebula Gamma Cygni Nebula, includes Sadr SAO 49528
P25 NGC 7027 Planetary Nebula Jewel Bug Nebula
P26 NGC 4125 Galaxy
P27 IC 239 Galaxy
P28 NGC 1232 Galaxy Eye of God Galaxy
P29 IC 4592 Reflection Nebula Blue Horsehead Nebula
P30 NGC 4517 Galaxy
P31 NGC 6652 Globular Cluster
P32 NGC 1398 Galaxy
P33 NGC 7822 HII Ionized Nebula
P34 NGC 6210 Planetary Nebula Turtle Nebula
P35 NGC 3585 Galaxy
P36 IC 4665 Open Cluster
P37 NGC 6366 Globular Cluster
P38 NGC 6572 Planetary Nebula Emerald Nebula
P39 NGC 1662 Open Cluster
P40 NGC 1977 Reflection Nebula Running Man Nebula, includes NGC 1975
P41 NGC 1981 Open Cluster
P42 NGC 2071 Reflection Nebula
P43 NGC 2174 HII Ionized Nebula Monkey Head Nebula
P44 NGC 1499 Emission Nebula California Nebula
P45 NGC 1582 Open Cluster
P46 NGC 5812 Galaxy
P47 NGC 2452 Planetary Nebula Appears close to NGC 2453 but is unrelated
P48 NGC 2566 Galaxy
P49 NGC 6530 Open Cluster Overlaps M8 (NGC 6523) Lagoon Nebula
P50 NGC 6590 Reflection Nebula
P51 NGC 6790 Planetary Nebula Mustang Nebula
P52 IC 2177 HII Ionized Nebula Seagull Nebula, includes Star SAO 152320
P53 NGC 3892 Galaxy
P54 NCC 4340 Galaxy Paired with NGC 4350
P55 NGC 1746 Asterism Includes NGC 1750 and NGC 1758
P56 NGC 4567/NGC 4568 Galaxy Siamese Twins Galaxies
P57 NGC 2685 Galaxy Helix Galaxy
P58 NGC 7129 Reflection Nebula
P59 NGC 4742 Galaxy
P60 NGC 1491 HII Ionized Nebula Fossil Footprint Nebula
P61 NGC 5170 Galaxy
P62 IC 4756 Open Cluster Graff’s Cluster
P63 NGC 6604 Open Cluster
P64 NGC 6857 HII Ionized Nebula
P65 NGC 1807 Asterism
P66 NGC 925 Galaxy
P67 NGC 5247 Galaxy
P68 NGC 1778 Open Cluster
P69 NGC 1893 Open Cluster Embedded in IC410 Tadpole Nebula
P70 NGC 2336 Galaxy
P71 NGC 4395 Galaxy
P72 NGC 2217 Galaxy Snake Eye Galaxy
P73 NGC 2345 Open Cluster
P74 NGC 2367 Open Cluster
P75 NGC 2374 Open Cluster
P76 NGC 2384 Open Cluster
P77 IC 10 Galaxy
P78 NGC 5053 Globular Cluster
P79 IC 5070 HII Ionized Nebula Pelican Nebula, includes IC 5067
P80 NGC 6503 Galaxy Shooting Star Galaxy
P81 NGC 1300 Galaxy
P82 NGC 1332 Galaxy
P83 NGC 4217 Galaxy
P84 NGC 1360 Planetary Nebula Robin’s Egg Nebula
P85 NGC 1367 Galaxy
P86 NGC 1425 Galaxy
P87 NGC 2784 Galaxy
P88 NGC 3109 Galaxy
P89 NGC 3923 Galaxy
P90 IC 418 Planetary Nebula Spirograph Nebula
P91 NGC 2252 Open Cluster
P92 IC 434 HII Ionized/Dark Neb Includes Barnard 33 Horsehead Nebula
P93 NGC 2023 Emission/Reflect Neb
P94 NGC 7538 Emission Nebula
P95 IC 348 Open Cluster
P96 NGC 744 Open Cluster
P97 NGC 957 Open Cluster
P98 NGC 3311 Galaxy
P99 NGC 2396 Open Cluster
P100 NGC 2409 Open Cluster
P101 NGC 2414 Open Cluster
P102 NGC 2467 Emission Nebula Skull and Crossbones Nebula
P103 NGC 2483 Open Cluster
P104 NGC 2533 Open Cluster
P105 NGC 3887 Galaxy
P106 NGC 6546 Open Cluster
P107 NGC 1058 Galaxy
P108 NGC 7626 Galaxy
P109 NGC 6716 Open Cluster
P110 NGC 6717 Globular Cluster Palomar 9, nearly obscured by SAO 187445
P111 NGC 4605 Galaxy
P112 IC 2118 Reflection Nebula Witch Head Nebula
P113 NGC 5701 Galaxy
P114 NGC 672 Galaxy
P115 NGC 5638 Galaxy
P116 NGC 4417 Galaxy
P117 NGC 7507 Galaxy
P118 IC 1276 Globular Cluster Palomar 7 Globular Cluster
P119 NGC 6539 Globular Cluster
P120 NGC 1514 Planetary Nebula Crystal Ball Nebula
P121 IC 2574 Galaxy Coddington’s Dwarf Galaxy
P122 IC 1795 HII Ionized Nebula Fish Head Nebula, partially overlaps NGC 896
P123 NGC 956 Asterism
P124 NGC 864 Galaxy
P125 IC 447 HII Ionized Nebula Dreyer’s Nebula
P126 IC 2149 Planetary Nebula
P127 IC 356 Galaxy
P128 IC 3568 Planetary Nebula Lemon Slice Nebula
P129 NGC 5448 Galaxy
P130 NGC 2146 Galaxy Dusty Hand Galaxy
P131 NGC 2380 Galaxy
P132 NGC 2243 Open Cluster
P133 IC 2163 Galaxy Colliding with NGC 2207
P134 NGC 2207 Galaxy Colliding with IC 2163
P135 NGC 2383 Open Cluster
P136 NGC 1569 Galaxy
P137 NGC 103 Open Cluster
P138 NGC 133 Open Cluster
P139 NGC 7788 Open Cluster
P140 NGC 7226 Open Cluster
P141 NGC 7762 Open Cluster
P142 NGC 6340 Galaxy
P143 NGC 6914 Reflection Nebula
P144 IC 1590 Open Cluster Included in NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
P145 NGC 6997 Open Cluster Included in NGC 7000 North America Nebula
P146 IC 1747 Planetary Nebula
P147 NGC 7026 Planetary Nebula
P148 NGC 1042 Galaxy
P149 NGC 7067 Open Cluster
P150 NGC 890 Galaxy
P151 NGC 6015 Galaxy
P152 NGC 6891 Planetary Nebula
P153 NGC 1201 Galaxy
P154 NGC 1302 Galaxy
P155 NGC 2325 Galaxy
P156 IC 2157 Open Cluster
P157 NGC 2331 Open Cluster
P158 IC 4593 Planetary Nebula White Eyed Pea Nebula
P159 IC 1434 Open Cluster
P160 NGC 2300 Galaxy
P161 NGC 7245 Open Cluster
P162 NGC 6791 Open Cluster
P163 NGC 2236 Open Cluster
P164 NGC 2250 Open Cluster
P165 NGC 2254 Open Cluster
P166 NGC 2269 Open Cluster
P167 NGC 2299 Open Cluster
P168 IC 4634 Planetary Nebula
P169 NGC 6325 Globular Cluster
P170 NGC 2112 Open Cluster
P171 NGC 2141 Open Cluster
P172 IC 448 HII Ionized Nebula
P173 NGC 7457 Galaxy
P174 NGC 1496 Open Cluster
P175 NGC 4710 Galaxy
P176 NGC 2453 Open Cluster
P177 NGC 5371 Galaxy
P178 NGC 1255 Galaxy
P179 NGC 2587 Open Cluster
P180 NGC 3646 Galaxy
P181 NGC 3511 Galaxy
P182 IC 4732 Planetary Nebula
P183 IC 4776 Planetary Nebula
P184 NGC 6469 Open Cluster
P185 NGC 6507 Open Cluster
P186 IC 5076 Reflection Nebula
P187 NGC 3423 Galaxy
P188 NGC 6567 Planetary Nebula
P189 IC 4605 Reflection Nebula Part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
P190 NGC 4388 Galaxy
P191 NGC 6625 Open Cluster
P192 IC 1470 HII Ionized Nebula
P193 NGC 4212 Galaxy
P194 NGC 6643 Galaxy
P195 NGC 6884 Planetary Nebula
P196 NGC 6631 Open Cluster
P197 NGC 6649 Open Cluster
P198 NGC 6704 Open Cluster
P199 NGC 6535 Globular Cluster
P200 NGC 1554 Reflection Nebula Von Struve’s Lost Nebula
P201 NGC 1555 Reflection Nebula Hind’s Variable Nebula
P202 NGC 3359 Galaxy
P203 NGC 5068 Galaxy
P204 NGC 146 Open Cluster
P205 NGC 1073 Galaxy
P206 NGC 7184 Galaxy
P207 NGC 6741 Planetary Nebula Phantom Streak Nebula
P208 NGC 7492 Globular Cluster
P209 NGC 6803 Planetary Nebula
P210 NGC 6558 Globular Cluster
P211 NGC 1883 Open Cluster
P212 NGC 2192 Open Cluster
P213 IC 361 Open Cluster
P214 NGC 4242 Galaxy
P215 NGC 5353 Galaxy Paired with NGC 5354
P216 IC 2165 Planetary Nebula
P217 IC 166 Open Cluster
P218 NGC 7640 Galaxy
P219 NGC 609 Open Cluster
P220 NGC 366 Open Cluster
P221 NGC 578 Galaxy
P222 NGC 4651 Galaxy
P223 IC 5117 Planetary Nebula
P224 NGC 6996 Asterism Included in NGC 7000 North America Nebula
P225 NGC 45 Galaxy
P226 NGC 7048 Planetary Nebula
P227 NGC 1087 Galaxy Saint Nikola’s Prayer Galaxy
P228 NGC 1395 Galaxy
P229 NGC 7377 Galaxy
P230 IC 5217 Planetary Nebula Little Saturn Nebula
P231 NGC 2259 Open Cluster
P232 NGC 2262 Open Cluster
P233 NGC 2309 Open Cluster
P234 NGC 821 Galaxy Partially obscured by Star SAO 92805
P235 NGC 2368 Open Cluster
P236 NGC 6309 Planetary Nebula Box Nebula
P237 IC 2003 Planetary Nebula
P238 NGC 1220 Open Cluster
P239 NGC 1605 Open Cluster Pair of Open Clusters (overlapping binary pair)
P240 NGC 1624 Open Cluster
P241 NGC 2432 Open Cluster
P242 NGC 2455 Open Cluster
P243 NGC 3078 Galaxy
P244 NGC 3319 Galaxy
P245 NGC 3981 Galaxy
P246 IC 4997 Planetary Nebula
P247 NGC 6886 Planetary Nebula
P248 NGC 6565 Planetary Nebula
P249 IC 443 Supernova Remnant Jellyfish Nebula
P250 NGC 110 Open Cluster
P251 NGC 210 Galaxy
P252 NGC 2549 Galaxy
P253 NGC 1798 Open Cluster
P254 NGC 2239 Open Cluster Embedded in NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula
P255 NGC 2245 Reflection Nebula
P256 NGC 4638 Galaxy
P257 NGC 7354 Planetary Nebula
P258 IC 4846 Planetary Nebula
P259 NGC 5044 Galaxy
P260 NGC 741 Galaxy
P261 NGC 1161 Galaxy
P262 NGC 2182 Reflection Nebula
P263 NGC 2935 Galaxy
P264 NGC 5061 Galaxy
P265 NGC 2715 Galaxy
P266 NGC 5838 Galaxy
P267 NGC 6951 Galaxy
P268 NGC 4096 Galaxy
P269 NGC 2282 HII Ionized Nebula
P270 NGC 5813 Galaxy
P271 NGC 5101 Galaxy
P272 IC 4329 Galaxy
P273 NGC 5018 Galaxy
P274 IC 4706 Emission Nebula
P275 NGC 3718 Galaxy Paired with NGC 3729
P276 NGC 2997 Galaxy
P277 IC 410 Emission Nebula Tadpole Nebula
P278 NGC 6833 Planetary Nebula
P279 NGC 4589 Galaxy
P280 NGC 4267 Galaxy
P281 IC 1284 HII Ionized Nebula
P282 NGC 3348 Galaxy
P283 NGC 2346 Planetary Nebula Butterfly Nebula
P284 NGC 4105 Galaxy Paired with NGC 4106
P285 NGC 4936 Galaxy
P286 NGC 1637 Galaxy
P287 NGC 4503 Galaxy
P288 NGC 7332 Galaxy Paired with NGC 7339
P289 NGC 5585 Galaxy
P290 IC 289 Planetary Nebula
P291 NGC 2835 Galaxy
P292 NGC 4750 Galaxy
P293 NGC 1187 Galaxy
P294 NGC 4691 Galaxy
P295 IC 4678 Emission Nebula At edge of M8 (NGC 6523) Lagoon Nebula
P296 NGC 2170 Reflection Nebula
P297 NGC 2986 Galaxy
P298 NGC 2613 Galaxy
P299 NGC 1600 Galaxy
P300 NGC 1385 Galaxy
P301 NGC 5850 Galaxy
P302 NGC 6589 Reflection Nebula
P303 NGC 2149 Reflection Nebula
P304 NGC 5078 Galaxy
P305 NGC 1700 Galaxy
P306 IC 444 Reflection Nebula
P307 NGC 3338 Galaxy
P308 NGC 4984 Galaxy
P309 NGC 6644 Planetary Nebula
P310 NGC 3904 Galaxy
P311 NGC 3705 Galaxy
P312 NGC 6743 Open Cluster
P313 IC 4604 Reflection Nebula Rho Ophiuchi Nebula
P314 IC 417 HII Ionized Nebula Spider Nebula
P315 NGC 4461 Galaxy Paired with NGC 4458, In Markarian’s Chain
P316 NGC 6537 Planetary Nebula Red Spider Nebula
P317 NGC 3091 Galaxy
P318 NGC 660 Galaxy
P319 NGC 5087 Galaxy
P320 NGC 6384 Galaxy
P321 NGC 2180 Open Cluster
P322 NGC 4469 Galaxy
P323 IC 1274 HII Ionized Nebula
P324 NGC 988 Galaxy Partially obscured by Star SAO 129994
P325 IC 4603 Reflection Nebula Part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
P326 IC 2067 Reflection Nebula
P327 NGC 2196 Galaxy
P328 NGC 6559 Emission/Reflect Neb
P329 NGC 5084 Galaxy
P330 NGC 1333 Reflection Nebula
P331 IC 4601 Reflection Nebula Part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
P332 NGC 4062 Galaxy
P333 NGC 1579 Emission/Reflect Neb Northern Trifid Nebula
P334 IC 1287 Reflection Nebula
P335 NGC 6683 Open Cluster
P336 NGC 5921 Galaxy
P337 IC 4703 HII Ionized Nebula Includes M16 (NGC 6611) Eagle Nebula
P338 NGC 2805 Galaxy
P339 IC 349 Reflection Nebula Barnard’s Merope Nebula
P340 NGC 6603 Open Cluster Embedded in M24 Small Sagittarius Star Cloud
P341 NGC 4608 Galaxy
P342 NGC 4145 Galaxy
P343 NGC 4457 Galaxy
P344 NGC 6907 Galaxy
P345 NGC 3717 Galaxy
P346 NGC 7619 Galaxy
P347 NGC 4100 Galaxy
P348 NGC 6751 Planetary Nebula Glowing Eye Nebula
P349 NGC 6894 Planetary Nebula
P350 NGC 6804 Planetary Nebula
P351 IC 351 Planetary Nebula
P352 IC 1295 Planetary Nebula
P353 NGC 6807 Planetary Nebula
P354 NGC 6778 Planetary Nebula
P355 NGC 6879 Planetary Nebula
P356 NGC 2064 Reflection Nebula
P357 NGC 2067 Reflection Nebula
P358 IC 2162 Emission Nebula
P359 IC 5068 HII Ionized Nebula Forsaken Nebula
P360 IC 4591 HII Ionized Nebula Part of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
P361 IC 431 Reflection Nebula
P362 IC 432 Reflection Nebula
P363 IC 4684 Reflection Nebula
P364 IC 4685 Emission/Reflect Neb
P365 IC 4701 Emission Nebula
P366 NGC 315 Galaxy
P367 NGC 1400 Galaxy
P368 IC 435 Reflection Nebula
P369 NGC 2175 Open Cluster Overlaps NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
P370 NGC 7177 Galaxy
P371 NGC 2280 Galaxy
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- FocusKnobs
- Desert Sky Astro Products
- astronomy-shoppe
- SkyShed Observatories
- Astro-Physics
- BW
- APM-Telescopes
- Denkmeier Optical
- AstroMart LLC
- Anacortes Telescope
- victoryastroshop
- Rouz Astro
- Astromart Customer Service
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