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Inside Condensation

Started by tvansickle, 05/22/2003 02:57PM
Posted 05/22/2003 02:57PM Opening Post
Guys, I have a problem. I get condensation inside on the corrector plate of my Classic 12" LX200. The telescope is pier mounted inside of a dome. I usually keep the back end of the tube closed tightly when not in use, but some how moisture has gotten inside. Any suggestions on how to remove moisture from the inside of the OTA?

BTW, this instrument is the finest performing telescope that I have ever encountered. I am certain that there is better somewhere, but I am satisfied thoroughly with what I have.
Posted 05/22/2003 03:08PM #1
Sounds like you just got some overly humid air locked up in there somehow. Next nice dry day open the back end of the tube and let it sit like that all day. The humidity should equilibriate with the surrounding air over a matter of some hours. Plug it up again before evening.
Posted 05/22/2003 03:24PM #2
Could you heat up the scope and let the moisture evaporate out?
Posted 05/22/2003 05:40PM #3
I would think that moving dry (filtered) air through the scope would be the most effective way of removing the existing condensation. I would see about getting or making a plug for the scope that has a silica gel or similar dessicant pack in it to absorb moisture so this doesn't happen again. I noticed that Astro Pro products plans to introduce a product like this, you may want to contact them.

Posted 05/23/2003 12:28AM #4
Thanks people, I had not thought to try a drug store. I tried to find silica gel at all of the major hardware stores, WallMart, Sams, Staples, etc. to no avail. I'll canvas a couple of drug stores tomorrow.