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CGEM vs CG-5 mounts

Started by hastapalla, 08/20/2011 03:51AM
Posted 08/20/2011 03:51AM | Edited 08/20/2011 07:54AM Opening Post
I've got a quick question about the tripods for the CGEM and CG-5 goto mounts. Are they the same tripod and would the CGEM head work on a CG-5 tripod? I know Celestron beefed up the tripod from 2" to 2.75" for the DX but the tripods for the CG-5 and CGEM look the same.
Thanx robin
Posted 08/20/2011 03:29PM #1
robin woolsey said:

I've got a quick question about the tripods for the CGEM and CG-5 goto mounts. Are they the same tripod and would the CGEM head work on a CG-5 tripod? I know Celestron beefed up the tripod from 2" to 2.75" for the DX but the tripods for the CG-5 and CGEM look the same.
Thanx robin

I believe you will find the tripods are not interchangeable, just as the CG5 and Atlas tripods ain't interchangeable despite being nearly identical.

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