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Meade/Discovery Optics & EQ mount

Started by DaveKG, 03/12/2005 03:08PM
Posted 03/12/2005 03:08PM Opening Post
I just purchased a used 6" Starfinder on a pier EQ mount. The purchase was made primarily for the mount. I already have a 6" Discovery dob that was purchased about 5 years ago. Not sure of the age of the Meade Starfinder, but I am sure it is at least 5 years old. Any idea which scope has the better optics? The Discovery seems to be overall better made, FAR BETTER focuser, etc.

Also, the mount has straps rather than rings. The tube tends to want to slide in the felt-lined straps. (I haven't tried the Discovery in the mount yet, but that is my leaning.) Recommendations on how to stop the sliding? If I make a switch to ring and a dovetail plate, what will I need to do to change the curved mount that is already fitted for a tube? I need to try to find 1. the cheapest solution, and 2. a simple solution.
