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WSP Swap Meet info needed

Started by prof.2, 02/09/2006 06:52PM
Posted 02/09/2006 06:52PM Opening Post
This is my first WSP and wanted to sell some stuff. .Is the swap meet held in one area? Can you drive up to that area and set up by your car or do I need to bring a cart to haul my mounts and heavy stuff. Do they have tables ,chairs,shade? Thanks
Posted 02/09/2006 07:14PM | Edited 02/09/2006 07:14PM #1
Gary, I've been to 3 WSPs and I have never seen anybody pull up with their car to the area, so most likely you'll have to haul you stuff into it...

Chairs, tables and the like are also to be provided by yourself, this was just a cleaned up area for us to display our stuff...

Clear skies! 8)

Ivan Gastaldo 8)
Coconut Creek, FL

Ivan's Observatory
Lat 26N 16' 48" Long 80W 10' 48"
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