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Bruce Castor’s meanderings at the start of the impeachment trial

Started by jimmoscheck, 02/11/2021 12:33AM
Posted 02/19/2021 01:53AM #150
Originally Posted by Mel Maki

Compared to 70 some million? There is no way of knowing. How many believe the most crazy ideas? How many believe some of the ideas? How many believe one or two of the ideas they have heard? Ask Rod. He is sure.
The latest poll, reported in newsweek today:
"41 Percent of Republicans Say QAnon Conspiracy Theories Are Good for Nation: Poll'
Posted 02/19/2021 01:58AM #151
This is why I'll make an attempt to avoid discussing politics with you in the future. If you believe that number of people believe the crazy ideas of those kooks you are a waste of time.
Posted 02/19/2021 05:27AM #152
Originally Posted by Mel Maki
This is why I'll make an attempt to avoid discussing politics with you in the future. If you believe that number of people believe the crazy ideas of those kooks you are a waste of time.
I've shown you two polls with the first at around 30% and another more recent one at 40%. The obvious point, other than to you, is the approval of Qanon in the Republican party is on UP...
PS: And that's not counting the Republicans like Boebert who "hope" it's true...
Posted 02/19/2021 06:26AM #153
"...the obvious point, other than to you..."
You lack the ability to evaluate polls and headlines. You take everything at face value. I'm done.
Posted 02/19/2021 07:00AM #154
Originally Posted by James Lacey

No. He was impeached twice. This is such a basic fact, I'm not sure why anyone would deny it.

Bullshit....He was charged twice. Congress voted not to convict either time.....Therefor saying he was impeached is NOT true.

20" MidnighTelescopes f/5
8" f/16 Muffoletto Achro
Meade 6" AR6 f/8.0 Achro
Celestron C11
Parallax PI250 10" F/5 Newt
Vixen FL102S,NA140SS,R200SS
80mm Stellarvue Nighthawk with WO APOupgrade lens, 90mm f/16.67 Parallax Achro
LXD75/LX200, Mini-tower, GP-DX, CG5 ASGT, LXD650, GM-8, G11, GM-100, GM-150EX, GM-200 and a Gemini G40
4" portable AP convertable 44" or 70" pier
Stellarvue M7 Alt-Az, TSL7 Pier/Tripod
12.5" f/5 MidnighTelescopes DOB Swayze optics
Monroe GA
Posted 02/19/2021 07:05AM #155
Originally Posted by Greg Shaffer

Bullshit....He was charged twice. Congress voted not to convict either time.....Therefor saying he was impeached is NOT true.

No. He was impeached twice. Just because he was not convicted, does not mean he was not impeached. Impeachment is the process where Congress charges and tries an official. The actual outcome of the trial has no bearing on whether or not the official was impeached. Once impeached, always impeached, regardless of the outcome.
Posted 02/19/2021 07:07AM #156
Originally Posted by Greg Shaffer

Bullshit....He was charged twice. Congress voted not to convict either time.....Therefor saying he was impeached is NOT true.
Lol!!The house IMPEACHES, period. That THEIR purview. The senate conducts a trial and even an acquittal does NOT mean the president wasn't impeached.
Oh, we all forgot, Greg was sick on the day they taught that in his junior high school civics class...
Posted 02/19/2021 07:12AM #157
Originally Posted by James Lacey

No. He was impeached twice. Just because he was not convicted, does not mean he was not impeached. Impeachment is the process where Congress charges and tries an official. The actual outcome of the trial has no bearing on whether or not the official was impeached. Once impeached, always impeached, regardless of the outcome.

Again Bullshit....impeachment starts with being charged with wrongdoing. Unless you are convicted of that wrongdoing then you were not impeached.....simply stating he was impeached implies he was found guilty. He wasnt. I realize that doesnt fit your and the left's agenda but facts are facts regardless of how hard you wish they were not. smile

20" MidnighTelescopes f/5
8" f/16 Muffoletto Achro
Meade 6" AR6 f/8.0 Achro
Celestron C11
Parallax PI250 10" F/5 Newt
Vixen FL102S,NA140SS,R200SS
80mm Stellarvue Nighthawk with WO APOupgrade lens, 90mm f/16.67 Parallax Achro
LXD75/LX200, Mini-tower, GP-DX, CG5 ASGT, LXD650, GM-8, G11, GM-100, GM-150EX, GM-200 and a Gemini G40
4" portable AP convertable 44" or 70" pier
Stellarvue M7 Alt-Az, TSL7 Pier/Tripod
12.5" f/5 MidnighTelescopes DOB Swayze optics
Monroe GA
Posted 02/19/2021 07:19AM #158
Originally Posted by Greg Shaffer

Again Bullshit....impeachment starts with being charged with wrongdoing. Unless you are convicted of that wrongdoing then you were not impeached.....simply stating he was impeached implies he was found guilty. He wasnt. I realize that doesnt fit your and the left's agenda but facts are facts regardless of how hard you wish they were not. smile

Nope. Impeachment is only the process of charging and trying the official. Honestly, I have no idea why you want to die on this hill. Anyone can look up the definition of impeachment as defined in the US. If it makes you feel better to think he was never impeached, a completely false assertion, then knock yourself out.
Posted 02/19/2021 07:24AM #159
Originally Posted by Greg Shaffer

Again Bullshit....impeachment starts with being charged with wrongdoing. Unless you are convicted of that wrongdoing then you were not impeached.....simply stating he was impeached implies he was found guilty. He wasnt. I realize that doesnt fit your and the left's agenda but facts are facts regardless of how hard you wish they were not. smile
Jesus H. F. T. Christ, just look the word up. Try Merriam Webster: "To charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office", and it goes on the say "Three Presidents of the United States have been impeached: Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump."

There are literally hundreds of other sources that will tell you what the word means. Where on earth do you get this stuff, or did you just make that up?