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Captured by
mikhail vasilenko

NGC4216 with supernova 2024gy

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NGC 7380 reworked

Started by tvdavis, 10/23/2004 10:57PM
Posted 10/23/2004 10:57PM Opening Post
Hi all,

It always amazes me that the digital data we take from the sky can be put together in so many different way yielding greatly different results. Here is my NGC 7380 reworked. I'm always trying to find the "right" color balance. I find it difficult when using Ha Lum data.

ST-8XE (HaR)(HaR)GB 180:180:60:60

Hope your weather is clear -- mines not.

Tom Davis

Attached Image:

tvdavis's attachment for post 19615

Starsearch Observatory
Lat 42N 47' 00" Long 112W 10' 47"
Elev 1752m