Image of the day

Captured by
Jerry Brown


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Started by Larry Seguin, 03/30/2009 02:34PM
Posted 03/30/2009 02:34PM Opening Post
Does anyone have contact info for Daniel? Apparently he's not a member here. Saw his planetary ep review and realized he must have been using a barlow to achieve planetary magnifications with the ep's he was reviewing. Just wondering what barlow he felt didn't take anything away from the image with the fine ep's he was reviewing. Thanks for any help!
Posted 04/20/2009 03:27AM #1
I met Daniel at NEAF. He's a smart, energetic, motivated guy who obviously loves astronomy equipment. I stared at his name badge for a long time and finally said--you're Daniel Mounsey! People are looking for you!

You can contact him at Woodland Hills Camera and Telescopes (one of the established astro vendors) and you can visit his web site here:

So please consider him "found."

Greg N

"Scope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no scope." --Freewheelin' Franklin