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Motor problem - What do I do?

Started by DaveKG, 02/25/2006 10:57PM
Posted 02/25/2006 10:57PM | Edited 02/25/2006 10:57PM Opening Post
I have an older Meade Starfinder (pier mount, metal straps to hold OTA). I took the scope out 2 nights ago, flipped the switch on the DC motor and said, "Uh-oh." So, at the risk of gaining similar laughs as what I would receive from my auto mechanic...

It goes "Whizzzzz. Pause. Whizzzzz. Pause."

I have replaced the batteries and jiggled wires, but I cannot get it to run consistently. It does appear to turn the gear, but in a start and stop pattern.

The number on the motor reads RF 500TB 12560.
Am I looking at replacing this? Must it be replaced with the same motor
If so, what are my options, and where would I acquire it?



Posted 02/25/2006 11:38PM #1
If the part needs replaced, George Cushing of Astromart carries telescope parts. I got parts for my old C5 from him. John