Image of the day

Captured by
Gerald Elkin

Red Shouldered Hawk

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The Coronado PST: Solar Revolution

Posted by Michael Aaron McNeely 01/13/2007 08:00AM

The Coronado PST: Solar Revolution

The Coronado PST provides access to the exciting world of h-alpha solar astronomy at a reasonable price.

Coronado Calcium-K PST

Posted by Robert Piekiel 01/17/2006 08:00AM

The new Coronado CaK PST makes a fine companion to the Ha PST that many probably already have. How does the new specialty CaK version perform?

Sleep Is Over Rated

Posted by Dave Gede 05/11/2005 07:00AM

The PST wins over a white light solar fan!

How the PST Changed My Life - By Ken Fiscus

Posted by Ken Fiscus 12/15/2004 08:00AM

I never have to worry about Solar Minimum again... Teaching Astronomy in the daytime just got real fun and real easy, even when teaching teenagers!

PerFECT Solar Telescope?

Posted by Mark Rosengarten 09/06/2004 07:00AM

PerFECT Solar Telescope?

Coronado's new PST really stacks up against the competition...literally!!!

Coronado SolarMax 60

Posted by Greg Piepol 05/17/2004 07:00AM

Coronado SolarMax 60

Viewing Our Nearest Star the Coronado Way