Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Jupiter this morning

Started by Jim Phillips, 04/05/2005 06:17PM
Posted 04/05/2005 06:17PM Opening Post
TMB 10" F/9
3X Barlow
Atik color camera, Registax, Photoshop
Seeing 7/10


Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 23267
Posted 04/05/2005 06:22PM #1

Suuuuuuuuuper image!! Thanks!!


Jim Phillips said:

TMB 10" F/9
3X Barlow
Atik color camera, Registax, Photoshop
Seeing 7/10


Jim Phillips

Paul Maxson
Moderator - CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System
Celestron C14, Mewlon 250, Orion EON120, ASI120MM, Flea3.
Posted 04/05/2005 07:51PM #2
8O grin What a wonderfull result, thanks for sharing!

Best regards,
Posted 04/05/2005 08:25PM #3
Hi Jim,

That's the type of Jupiter image I dream of getting, Superb!

Clear skies,

Ed Roach
Posted 04/05/2005 08:31PM #4
Jim -

I love your image! It is just beautiful.

I just had to open it in Photoshop for a closer look - I hope you don't mind. I reduced the saturation of the blue and cyan and increased the sharpness just a wee bit. It may not be an improvement but have a look and see what you think.


Attached Image:

Alan Friedman's attachment for post 90207

Alan Friedman
Posted 04/05/2005 09:05PM #5
Very nice image! I bet it looked fantastic at the EP.

Posted 04/05/2005 09:50PM | Edited 04/06/2005 08:44AM #6
Very beatiful image Jim. I personally love the soft processing, the "eyepiece look" you gave this picture. No need to overprocess to bring out detail because it is all there. Thanks for sharing.

I don't know anything about the atik camera you use: do you collect avis and then process them as you would with webcam's avis? If so, how many images did you collect and how many did you eventually use for the image posted?

Ciao Jim

Solar Imaging Website
Posted 04/05/2005 10:27PM #7
Hi Jim,

Excellent! image, I really like the smooth not over processed look and good edge definition with no limb darkening.


Wes Higgins
Posted 04/06/2005 07:26AM #8
Nice image Jim.. Great detail on the GRS.


Posted 04/06/2005 12:53PM #9
Amazing shot Jim! Congrats, easily one of the best this season, especially given how crappy an altitude it has from our latitudes!!

-Mike W