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12mm and up
Russell Optics 15mm and 19mm wide field Konigs
Can a $65 eyepiece compete with a $350 Premium eyepiece?
Orion 18mm Epic ED2 vs. Smart Astronomy 19mm Extra Flat Field (EF)
If you’re on a tight budget, but looking for something better than inexpensive plossls, the Orion Epic ED2 line and the Smart Astronomy EF line may fall into your price range. Eyepieces from both lines can be purchased for less than $100 and therefore won’t break the bank.
Premium Wide-field Shootout:
Televue 31mm Vs Televue 41mm.
TV 32 Wide Field vs Garrett Optical SWA 32mm 72 deg FMC
Newer design does not always mean better
TV 19mm Panoptic vs Orion 17mm Stratus
Cost may not make the eyepiece better
Review of the Meade 18mm Ultra Wide Angle
Angling for field of view….
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