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Meade AR-5 OTA (LXD55 version)
A "Luck of the draw" achromat? Or just good quality? Maybe both... A nice visit with a new friend!
Battle of the High-End refractors
A head to head between TeleVue 85 and AP Stowaway refractors gave some surprising results...
Lunar and Other Adventures With An Orion ST80
The little guy sometimes just doesn't get enough credit for being a viable precence on the "real" telescope scene. Well I set out to try and see if all those nasty things I had heard about that cute short little scope were true with a vigorus work out that had us both......
Review of the Orion by Vixen 102 Telescope OTA
Why are 4" achromatic refractors such wonderful telescopes, and what can you expect from an excellent one.
Putting Together a Solid Orion 80mm ED System
Putting together my Orion 80mm ED system was an enjoyable and educational experience. Here's how I did it with some suggestions to consider and some pitfalls to avoid
Televue NP101
Is the Televue NP101 the perfect 4" APO?
Review of the Burgess Optical 1278 Refractor
A solid performing telescope at a bargain price.